We build a collaborative partnership with our clients and are a friendly face throughout the design process. Our committed team delivers custom designs with every project and ensures a smooth process throughout.
We start by asking questions about the project objectives, constraints, schedule, and our scope of work. For modifications to existing facilities, we like visiting site to scope out the project in person. We begin to develop general design concepts and ideas. Typically, at the end of this phase we send an engineering fee estimate.
Once approved, we begin drafting the existing area and laying out new equipment. We gather all available reference information and drawings, and re-visit site to take detailed field measurements and photos. We further refine design concepts – completing calculations, checking fit, and considering alternatives. Early in the design process, we coordinate with equipment suppliers and other consultants to identify any conflicts or discuss any gaps in information.
We refine our design, incorporate feedback, and work through the detailed engineering and drafting. We confirm we have the latest information from equipment suppliers and other consultants.
Throughout the design process, we back-check our drawings after each update. We complete a final design and drafting review before the drawings are issued for construction. The level of review reflects the project size, significance, and complexity. When applicable, structural designs are independently reviewed in accordance with the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC) requirements.
We suggest having an initial meeting with the construction team to discuss any critical details that could use highlighting, answer any questions, touch on the submittal requirements, and talk about the construction schedule to tentatively arrange dates for field reviews.
We assist the client by reviewing contractor submittals for shop drawings, concrete mix designs, proposed changes, and any requests for information. During construction we visit site to complete field reviews.
GSEI was formed in 1993 by Doug Gairns and Nelson Santos. In the fall of 2020 Bryn Endacott and Craig Santos bought Doug and Nelson’s shares to become the sole owners of GSEI.
Interested in working on industrial projects? GSEI is always on the lookout for passionate structural engineers, technologists, and civil engineering students.